Most work from home positions offered on-line have a one time membership fee, application fee, a fee for training materials or a shipping and handling fee. No matter what, there seems to be a way to get money out of a un-employed person. How could a person afford to risk any amount of money especially revealing their credit card/account to these companies, when they don't have a job to begin with?!!!
How can I find a absolutely free of any charge legit work from home Medical billing/coding or data entry job?
Most of those work at home ads are scams. If you have to pay for work, it's a scam. Try opening a home-based business and offer the services you know, like a Virtual Assistant.
Go to and review the posts. This might be helpful.
Good luck!
Reply:Most of them are scams. Forget the data entry jobs - there aren't even many straight data entry jobs available in offices any more, let alone from home.
The medical billling/coding jobs you see on the Internet are pretty much all scams too. That's a field where lots of jobs do exist, some working from home - but to get one from home, you'll almost always have to have done that type of work in a medical office or facility for a couple years first.
Websites that claim to give you jobs or job leads if you'll pay them an up-front fee are basically all scams. Some claim to have money-back guarantees - but just try to get your money back.
teeth sundance
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