Thursday, August 19, 2010

What are ligitimate websites for online data entry/ typing positions?

No get rich schemes. Just plain strightforward assignments with fair pay.

What are ligitimate websites for online data entry/ typing positions?
Be very careful....if it sounds too good to be true, then trust me, it is! I have been researching to find a legitimate website for online data entry/typing jobs, but as of today, I have not found one. When I contacted my State Attorney's office, I was told that there are very few legitimate websites/companies who advertise online for these type of jobs. If it is a legitimate business, then you should not have to pay for the information. I would suggest that you contact your local employment agency, temporary services. Also if you think you have found an online data entry/typing website thay sounds legitimate, then research the company, before you send them any money. You may also want to contact your local Chamber of Commerce or your State Attorney's Office before sending money. If it is a legitimate business, then you should not have to pay for the information. Good luck with your endeavor!
Reply:I see this question all the time! There are none, you are going to get all kinds of web pages which are just scams. I think the posters cruise this site to reel in the unsuspecting. Be very careful of these. Check with the state employment offices, but these kind of jobs are few and far between.
Reply:Be very careufol here; you will get responses that appear legitimate but are only invitiations to be scammed. They will say everything is free but that is a lie. These are the only ones I know for sure are legit and require no investment at all, they are jobs, not home businesses which are all scams.


Adn you can check

My friend this a cool web site which will clear your doubts

here is the link

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