I really need a part-time, i work full time, but cant do a part-time out because i have 2 small kids and dont have anyone that can stay with them. I thought os data entry or similar. Does anyone have experience in any company that really pays and doesnt ask for money upfront please? I really want ro work and earn an extra money.
thank you to all that will answer and help this mother in need.
Is there any data entry real jobs outhere? Does anyone know ?
Try some online jobs, where you don’t have to pay upfront money. Online data entry is an excellent career to consider if you want to work at home. The equipment needed for this type of job is very minimal. You only need a computer with an Internet connection, a table and a comfortable chair. Data entry duties include the inputting of correspondence, reports, and spreadsheets into a home computer and then transmitting that data using the Internet. Work at home data entry personnel may also proofread text, edit information, and maintain databases. Data entry jobs usually offer flexible scheduling, allowing people to work when they want to and as little or as much as they want to. Some of the growing fields for work at home data entry include medical and legal transcription, medical coding and litigation coding.
This type of work is becoming so popular that many fraudulent websites have emerged offering data entry jobs, which promise huge profits. The best way to find a legitimate data entry job is visit a reputable career website. You are more likely to find a genuine work at home job using these websites.
There are several freelance websites that post freelance data entry jobs. Avoid responding to ads that do not list a company name or contact information. There are many reputable freelance work forums that can provide you with work at home data entry job listings. The forums are usually free to join and provide trustworthy information. Once you have found an advertisement for a work at home data entry job, check out the company by visiting their website. You can also do an online search using the company name and visit the Better Business Bureau website to see if they have been listed as a fraudulent company.
Reply:Online data entry jobs involve processing data and entering it onto a document or other file, ready for easy access. Finding an online data entry job that will allow you to work from home is quite a challenging task. If your perform a search for 'data entry online' in a site like Google you will no doubt be swamped in thousands of dodgy scam sites claiming you can earn thousands of pounds in just a few minutes - simply by pressing a few buttons for 5 minutes on your keyboard. The real truth is that with most paid online jobs, they are really well hidden away on the Internet, and unfortunately the dodgy sites always seem to find their way to the top in the search engines.
Here is top 3 data entry jobs rated by customers
Reply:You can see web site
and try
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