Looking to earn some extra money!!!! and we are looking to do some data entry jobs. What links are available for us to go to and find a legitimate part time job. Something we can do around 20 hours a week. Everything I have found seems to be a dead end offer. I have heard of people that actually do this but we can't seem to find the for real offers.
My wife and I are looking for a legitimate online part time job doing data entry, what is out there?
That's because people doing it aren't doing it through some website. They started a home business offering data entry and transcription services, and then promoted their services to local and regional professional offices.
Most of these online deals are scams. They'll have you pay for some "list" or "e-book" that does nothing but line their pockets. Don't get suckered in by that.
Reply:Go here,
%26gt; http://moneytreetips.blogspot.com
%26gt; http://affiliatestag.blogspot.com
%26gt; http://paidforwritedown.blogspot.com
%26gt; http://professionallab.blogspot.com
Reply:Instead of data entry jobs maybe look at telemarketing or a phone answering service, virtual receptionist.
There are services out there that do these types of jobs and are always recruiting new people.
Real jobs dont charge you money up front. They will always as for information like your tax status and things like that. Often fake companies are only interested in your credit card #.
Reply:Unfortunately questions like this usually generate a lot of spam answers. Mostly users that want you to visit their websites (their at-home business) and make them rich, but they really have no desire to assist you in working from home.
Reply:That's right as one answer said, I have my own business where I offer data entry, transcription and secretarial work from home. We are called virtual assistants. Here is a great resource site about VAs.
Reply:Hope these job websites beneficial to you.
Reply:If you're serious about looking for an opportunity then send me an email. I'm on yahoo and my screen name is thethirdone1@yahoo.com I will send you some info. look at www.tto.igniteinc.biz
There are NO legitimate "data entry" jobs that advertise online as such and there are NO legitimate companies that will refer you to these types of jobs for a fee.
Reply:Work-at-Home ads usually don't pay off. Be especially
wary of ads that promise huge annual salaries; they
often require expensive upfront fees with no guarantee.
You risk losing your money and wasting a lot of time
and energy.
Reply:If you are an accomplished typist - word processor and have recently visited your local city college or university librarian, you can apply as a "certified" graduate typist, earning between $1.50 to $2.00 per page for a master or doctoral thesis. The librarian will provide you with a sample of the typing template (i.e., margin settings, font selection, page set up, etc.) in order to complete these projects. An average weekend income is about $300-$400 for two days work.
Good luck!
Reply:You can get online job without spending any fee as
Home based customer service agent
Medical transcriptionist
You can get links of online companies hiring online workers at
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